
The Unit

Wife's Report

There's a popular tv show called The Unit... even though it has one of my favorite actors, Dennis Haysbert, I don't watch the show a lot; nevertheless, the concept is powerful. Here's the basics: "THE UNIT is an action drama that follows a covert team of Special Forces operatives as they risk their lives on undercover missions around the globe, while their families maintain the home front, protecting their husbands' secrets." When you think of what the role of a wife is, then you can understand how this show is definitely on to something. These wives handle deep stuff to ensure that their husbands reach their goals.

My husband refers to our union, marriage, relationship and bond ... as a UNIT! At first I used to giggle as I thought it sounded so intense. I'd say in my mind, "the Ordell’s are a UNIT...fear us!!!!" Then crack up laughing inside! Why not just say marriage or relationship? Honestly, I sometimes waved him off many a times as just being Darryl...funny, intense, big personality, unique, etc. But I must say that the man will surprise you when he's bringing the truth. I've learned now not to ignore these types of things and really give it some thought and validity!

Yes, we are a unit and in our mind, The Bonafide Unit! I've often preached, "when a woman that can pray marries a man with a vision, there's no stopping them"! Darryl constantly reminds me that we have to stay focused on our prayer time, our goals and not limiting what we believe God for or ask him to accomplish on our behalf. It strengthens The Unit when we are clear that he put us together. We didn't marry out of desperation, necessity and to settle... God had us on his agenda to be together at this set time and we are glad to say we are loving his flow!

Another major part of this show is that the husband's are operatives for an undercover team of Special Forces. How cool is that! They are the elite - the chosen - the best. So the wives must be clear on how powerful their husband's job is.

Single women: I know you want to get hitched, but what's your motive? Is it so that you won't be lonely anymore? Quite honestly, if your husband is fulfilling his call... it just may require you being alone or lonely sometimes as he studies, works, builds a business, finishes school, takes care of family or travels. Are you really sure you can handle that if you hate being lonely? Maybe you are focusing on marriage so you can have someone to need you... but are you currently qualified to really meet the needs that may arise? I could go on and on with understanding the role, but most importantly you need to know that being part of a Unit and supporting a special forces man means that you have to be equipped to handle some major stuff while keeping your mouth shut to people and open to God.

Married women: Regardless of your husband's occupation, Jehovah is the one that sets that call your husband must fulfill. He is the overseer of the secret operative's team. It doesn't matter what his paycheck states, his job title declares or the educational level reached. If he is God's man, he is called and marked for greatness. Your job is to hold it down on the prayer front. Your job is to work the encouragement as he works the plan. Your job is to support him openly and honestly while keeping his secrets privately. Does your job get hard? Does your job feel like it's getting you nowhere? Do you feel like you didn't "sign up for this"??? Well, let's recall one of the most critical parts of the marriage vow: for better or worse. That covers a wide spectrum of STUFF! Baby girl, that covert team has to do some crazy stuff...and you have to be there to walk him through the darkness, patch him up and then send him back out there to get roughed up again!

It's all about The Unit - tune in daily to find out what's required of you!

More later,

The Mrs. of The Bonafide Unit!

Husband's Log - #4

Date Night
Stardate: 09-09-09 AJ
6:21 P.M.
Day 137

Hello good people! I trust everyone’s summer went swimmingly! Mrs. WoW and I have recently returned from a three-week, seven city tour. Like many of you, we are on a bud--- (unfortunately we need more money to completely spell the word b-u-d-g-e-t). However, the Lord made a way, as He always does. Like Pastor Marlon Reid said, “Lift your hands and say won’t He do it”!

It’s ironic that I began writing this entry to the Newlywed Chronicles on September 4th. That is my great-grandmother’s birthday. Why is that important little man who is with Theresa, you might ask? Well, it’s not important so much as it is sardonic. My great-grandmother was always concerned that I hadn’t married by the age of 23. Now, not only am I married and chronicling my newlywed experience, I am writing this log about the marriage bed or whatever euphemism you wish to use to speak of …the freaky-deaky. For those of you who are the “clutch the pearls” type or the ultra uber-holy rollers, check out Hebrews 13:4. Lift your hands and say won’t He do it!

When I was single and living in New York City, I knew where most of the high-end lingerie boutiques in the city were located. That’s because they were on my way to work. I was also familiar with the establishments that sold, shall we say, slightly indecent apparel. But that’s another story. My point is people…I love to see my wife in lingerie. I ain’t gonna front. By the way, if I’ve neglected to thank any of you for the beautiful garments you gave her at her bridal shower, let me take this time to do so. But first, I need to holla at the folks that bought her the “risqué” stuff. Thank you, Gracias, Obrigado! Daddy like!!!

I’ve said this to say that ultimately on Dress-up Night—(some of you may have another name for it, like Date Night or Tuesday), whatever you call it, we all know that the beautiful as well as the risqué lingerie will end up on the floor, the door or the television set. Unless you are the type who says, “Ooooh I like the way that looks on you. Don’t take it off! Let’s rip a few holes in it an keep on going”. To you I say, be careful. Some of the lingerie you may encounter is not easy to rip up or off. These are quality garments and, if not handled properly, can result in a terrible condition that is rarely talked about. That’s right, Lingerie Burn. Had I known about Lingerie Burn prior to getting married—let’s just say I would’ve approached that whole thang differently. But if my pain can assist in someone else’s learning…so be it!

I know what you’re thinking. Where are you going with this little man who is with Theresa? What is the big “Ta-Daaa”? Bear with me. I’ve heard that some people believe marriage is solely for procreation. With the divorce rate being what it is, my question to them is, how’s that working for you? They say the top three reasons for divorce are: (1) Money, (2) Children and (3) Sex, not necessarily in that order. Well, we ain’t got no kids or money for that matter... so we only have reason three on which to focus. By the time we do acquire money and kids, hopefully we will have become experts at reason three.

All I’m trying to say is have fun with your spouse. Express yourself tenderly, lovingly and sexually, whatever that means to you both. Ta Daaa! Did I say check out Hebrews 13:4? Good. Now peruse I Corinthians 7:3-5.

I recently asked a couple that has been married for 50 years what was their secret. He said, “We laugh a lot”. She said, “The sex ain’t bad either”. After 50 years they are still going strong. Lift your hands and say won’t He do it! So to my married folk, whether it’s Date Night, Dress-up Night or any night ending in “t”…light a few candles, run a bath and/or give your spouse a massage. And if you happen to rip a track out, remember it was all done in love. Have fun and be careful out there! But don't let things like this happen:

Find Your Special Corner

Wife's Report:

We have a favorite corner of the house...  Before we got married, we were counseled by many couples we love to be sure that prayer is a vital part of our daily life.  In fact, my parents told us never to miss a day of praying together during our marriage in order to stay on track.  This is not something that is optional; however, it is mandatory for us to grow as husband and wife.

I've always believed in having a place to pray was as important as praying. We have a place to sleep - our bed, we have a place to hang our clothes - our closet, we have a place to cook - our kitchen... so we must have a place to pray. That special place to pray should often be untouched by a lot of activity. There's no golden rule for this, but as God requires that we be sanctified, I like to have the place where I meet him to be sanctified as well. Sanctified means to set apart as or declare holy... to consecrate.

It took a couple of weeks to get settled in the house in terms of where we'd keep our things, and how we'd organize the attic. Now that it's understood that Darryl has control over the extra bedroom as his private guy space and was willing to allow me to have the run of the rest of the house... our place where we'd meet the Lord (the one who gave us the house) was needing to be set.

Having breakfast one morning, we were preparing to pray and found the perfect place in the house to meet the Lord. Even though we hang out in the living room, there's a little corner with pillows, a keepsake box of pictures, and candle stand. It is so rare that someone goes to that side of the room. Even when we invite people to sit there, they often politely refuse that special corner...so I realized that it has been "sanctified" for the place where we go to meet the Lord to worship him as the King of Kings, to ask for direction for our marriage, life purposes and direction.

So it has now become common place that when it's time to pray... Darryl & I meet each other in the sanctified corner of the house. I love how this place immediately calms us down... focuses our attention on God's grace instead of the things that are out of our control. We sit in that corner, get comfortable, discuss things on our minds, talk about the gift of Faith we pray for in order to believe for anything... then we begin to talk to the Lord and acknowledge him as the third member of our wedding union.

My wedding ring is a Trillion cut diamond, meaning it has 3 points like a triangle. This is my constant reminder that it's me, D and the Lord working out this marriage together. Kenny Lattimore told Darryl at our wedding rehearsal that the wife is the husband's ministry. Since that day, my husband has made it his focus to put that in action.

If you are single, have you sanctified a place where you meet the Lord? if you are married, have you all sanctified a place where you meet the Lord? This is mandatory for growth, meeting divine appointments and purpose.

Steal away to that place where you are safe, encouraged and infused with power to give God the glory and honor with your life.

Husband's Log - #3

The T-Shirt
Stardate: 09-08-02-AJ
Time: 00:53
Day 99

Ok, so I was recently traveling to Minneapolis. On the flight there I was wearing my “I Love My Wife” T-shirt. You may be asking yourself why I was wearing a shirt that says “I Love My Wife”. The answer is simple. That’s right those five little yet powerful words…“she said I had to”. Don't get it twisted I ain't no punk...uhhh...don't tell her I said that. For real, I don't mind the shirt, the problem is that it invites unwanted comments and conversation.

One of the things Mrs. WOW and I have realized since we've been married is that we both love to communicate---I love to communicate with her, and she loves in communicate with everyone. You feel me? Good. I don’t particularly care to talk to strangers. My wife on the other hand… Well, if you know her then you know what I’m talking about. Can I get a “What What!!” However, if you don’t know her, here’s an example of what I mean. We are on our Honeymoon cruise, which turned out to be the cruise from hell, except for my impersonation of James Brown during a ship performance...don't ask. Upon leaving our cabin on the second night, she acknowledges everyone working on the boat BY NAME as we make our way to dinner. I mean the porters, the housekeepers, the outside cleaning crew, the inside cleaning crew, the maitre d, servers, bus boys…EVERYONE! My only issue with this is after returning her salutation with goodness and light they turn up they’re noses and respond to my hellos with, “Hello little man who is with Theresa!” WHAT IS THAT?! I paid for this luxury cruise from Los Angeles to Mexico back to Los Angeles that actually wound up in San Francisco. At least fake it people! You feel me? Good.

Soooooooo if I don’t initiate conversation and a person doesn’t talk to me I’m cool with that. But this T-shirt that my wife bought me just screams, “Say something clever to me!” So here are some of the clever comments I received. I’ve left out names to protect the “ignant”:

“That’s a great shirt. I want to get my husband one.”

“Oh, how cute. Do you really love her?”

“I love that shirt. You can get a lot of women with that. They love that kind of stuff.”

“Where in the world did you get that shirt?”

“Your wife made you wear that huh? I would’ve changed shirts in the airport bathroom.”

“You should take a picture with the people in the airport to prove that you are still wearing it.”

“Yeah you love her, but does she love you?”

Then one gentleman told me a joke: During a seminar on marriage. The speaker announces that all the men who consider themselves to be real men must get up and stand on the right side of the auditorium and all the men who are henpecked must get up and stand on the left. After about ten minutes, every man in the building is standing on the left except for one lone soul. The speaker says to this brave gentleman, “Sir, you are the only man standing in the section designated for ‘real men’. I can see that you are a very powerful individual. Can you tell us why you have chosen to stand in this section?” The man replied, “My wife told me to.”

Throughout all of this, the smirks and sarcastic remarks made under people’s breath, I noticed one thing: Hopelessness. People seemed to be down on marriage. We live in an era where we want everything now. And without working for it, it seems. If it doesn’t work out or we don’t like it, we move on to something else. Marriage is not like that! Can I get a “What What” from those who know!!! You have to work at it. Did you know that the divorce rate for first time marriages is 50%? Scary right? Stick with me, it gets worse. For second and third time marriages it's 67% and 74% respectively. What does that say little man who is with Theresa? I'm glad you asked. It says that we enter into these situations before we are ready to be in them. You are the common denominator in all three situations. Amazingly enough the problem could be you and not the other person. Once you have worked at being a better you, and you are sure you want this relationship as well... then you work at it. You will even fight for it!

I believe this hopelessness that I mentioned before stems from fear. What are people afraid of little man who is with Theresa, you may be asking yourself. We are afraid to look at ourselves, because we may not like what we see. Therefore we concentrate on finding fault with the other person. You find fault with them and they with you. Before you know it, you’re either on your third marriage or in a string of unsuccessful relationships making the same mistakes. It’s no wonder people get fed up!

Check this out, if you ask God to help you help Him help you (just think about it), when you take another look at yourself you will be amazed at how He’s changed and prepared you. You will then be ready for that person He is sending your way; that person whose eyes will be the mirrors in which you see yourself. They won’t find fault in every little thing you do, though you may have many.

Just before I boarded my flight I heard an older gentleman say, “That’s a real nice shirt young man.” And I thought you know what, he’s right.

The Details List!

Wife's report:

Today we've been married for 45 days! We sometimes don't even think about it, because we're just doing our thing & loving the journey! There have been things I've learned in these 45 days, and I thought I'd share about 3 quick pointers. If you're single then you can begin to evaluate how you approach the search for a lifetime partner... if you're married then you can just laugh at the things you probably already know!

Running into an acquaintance today, it was funny to hear them shout out, "the newlyweds"! Wow, I guess that's us. Friends for five years turned into lovers and now even deeper friends. Friends that gave advice to each other in past relationships...so there's very little we don't know about how we both maneuvered through the single life. Friends that have decided that we don't want any other person in our lives.

My husband loves to mail me cards when he travels, and the one I received before the wedding read, "I don't have to be your first love... I just want to be your last!" I was sold right there. First loves are great if you can find and keep them, but the last love is wonderful because you no longer have to search or look for the next best person or the newer model. Good love is like a vintage sports car that gains value after it's been purchased. The longer you have the automobile the more you boast about the year it was created...and it's STILL quite the ride even with all the new toys on the road.

1) I don't like raspberries!
Okay, so eating is a critical part of a relationship! Many of us revolve our whole agenda around this fellowship. My husband is not a big guy, but he eats like a giant... like every 2-3 hours or he gets loopy! Darryl doesn't care too much about where or what...just make it good & on schedule! And while you're making it, remember that there are only about 5 things he doesn't like to eat, raspberries being one of them! At home I don't cook with that fruit, but while we were out one day I suggested we split a piece of cake with raspberries on top. It looked so yummy, but I didn't want the whole thing! "NO, girl did you forget that I don't like raspberries...see you don't even know what I like!" I was caught, and we both started laughing! That cake looked so good, but I had forgotten his "Details List". Each of us come with a specific list of our likes and dislikes of various things. I'm not dating a stranger anymore, I'm with my husband and so now I must remember what keeps him happy and what makes him frown... I fixed it quick, "waiter, can you bring us a slice of key lime pie to split?" That's his favorite dessert, and one that I like too!

2) Do the math! 1+1=1
Being the youngest child and getting married at 40 years old has made me quite good at the "1 Rule". There has been 1 person to decide what car to purchase, 1 person to decide what temperature to put the air on, 1 person to sleep on down feathered pillows... yep, just 1 please! As a single person, I went to the movies alone and traveled alone a lot. I was cool being just ME! Now I'm part of a couple, so I cook for 2 people, wash clothes for 2 people, and we buy plane tickets for 2. I've doubled now, but God sees US as 1...the other half of my soul is now here! As I am now praying for US, my husband is still attracted to my individuality. My opinion didn't get buried when I said "I do"! It's not time to hop on one foot like Coming to America! There's a balance in going from a single 1 to a married 1. Yes, God sees us as 1, but there was something special about me before that is still vital and needed as long as it doesn't hinder the US. Darryl loves for me to give my point of view for what WE should do as he makes the decisions (which is how we've chosen to do things in our house... he's the head & I'm the neck that turns the head - lol). Once when trying to get him to consider a decision, he gave it some thought and then said, "No, but tell me the pros and cons for why you think we should." He wanted to know what Theresa thought as a 1 and why that would benefit us as a 1. He told me he trusts me, he needs that part of me and doesn't want me to stop being ME. So if you're single, figure out who you are as opposed to waiting for a husband to define you, because the marriage will need your uniqueness as you bond together!

3) I'm still Saved, Sexy, Cool!
Ok, so before our wedding I was working out to be sure to fit into my dress! I refused to eat certain things, because I wanted to be pretty and confident for our pictures. Basically, I met my goal short a couple of pounds. The day after the wedding we were off to our honeymoon cruise! All the pressure and anxiety was over... freedom!!! Let's eat! Cruises are known for their food and my hubby loves food! So, let's do this! We had a ball eating, but the exercise ended as we spent more time chilling! We then had to travel for about a month after that so by the time we finally made it home... I had gained about 8 pounds and the summer time was here! There's that quick flash of an idea that says, "you're married now, so eat with your husband...weight doesn't matter as much as before"... but I'm the girl that loves high heels, cute clothes and I wrote the book "Saved, Sexy, Cool"! This is not a time to gain and let yourself go! Yesterday we were at home all day working, but I still did my hair, put on make-up and a cute sun dress after I worked out. When I came bouncing down the steps, Darryl was sitting on the couch smiling. "Where you going?" he said. I replied, "to the kitchen to cook for my husband and I shall look good doing it!" He laughed but his smile lasted all day and evening. I got you and I shall keep you smiling and happy by looking good on the outside as I work on being amazing on the inside!

I've spent just about 22 years speaking, ministering and teaching youth, singles and women what the Word of God says about living holy, living better and living on purpose. A fabulous journey indeed. One day, I'll be asked to speak to married women, but right now I'm gathering facts, living the examples I'll preach and looking for the gift of Faith to believe that as a unit we can accomplish any task God assigns and conquer any mountain that jumps in our path. Let the journey begin!

More to come....

Mrs. Lady WoW


Husband’s Log - #2

Solid As A Rock
Stardate: 09-7-18-16:00-AJ
(July 18, 2009) 4:00 p.m. After Jesus
Day 84

Waddup Fam?

Mrs. WoW and I are in Chicago trying to rectify a situation with my aunt. We are dealing with insurance companies, Medicaid, Medicare, elder care facilities, friends and family who want to be backseat drivers but refuse to take the wheel when called upon. Sooooooo, everything falls on us.

In addition to all this chaos we have decided to do a fast. That’s right mi familia, a FAST! One might ask oneself, “What the heck (remember I only get two French words a day) would they do that for?” I’m glad you asked. Number 1: my wife is not happy with her weight and current eating habits. Which means, EVERYTIME we get dressed for a function, family event or just to go to the store she goes mad because her clothes don’t fit. Notice I didn’t say “gets” mad, because it’s waaaaaaay beyond “getting” mad. Mad cow ain’t got nothing on a mad Wood! Ya’ll pray for me…no, for real…PRAY FOR ME!

My wife is on a Quest for Cuteness!!! As fine as she may be to me, she is not satisfied where she is presently. I respect that. So I support her in her effort to become “cuter” than she already is. Therefore, I am trying to get myself together as well by changing my diet and working out more. I call it, “Buscando de Buff!” It means looking for buff…I made it up. You can say what you want but why would I let a fine woman get finer and I stay the same. That’s just asking for trouble. I can see it now some cat named Taekwon is going to try to roll up on My woman. I AIN’T HAVIN’ IT!!!

Reason Number 2 for the fast: I think that we forget to spend time with God. Yeah, I know we pray and we try to read the Word daily but the fact of the matter is that we are inundated with stuff ALL day long. Email, TV, facebook, text messages, myspace, work, friends, leisure activities, daily errands etc…our days are full. Since Wood and I have been married we have not spent a good two weeks together in one place. It may not seem like a significant amount of time but think about it…we just got married! So we’ve decided to spend some quality time with the Lord by fasting and praying. God is fashioning our marriage to suite His will. He’s giving us confidence to trust one another and His direction. He’s helping us develop a foundation that’s "Ashford & Simpson". If the foundation is solid when the rough times come you can weather the storm.

I know a man named Oscar who lives in my aunt’s facility. He said the reason his marriage didn’t work is because, his wife was trying to break him and he was trying to break her. That sounds horrible. I’d be pissed off all the time. Back off that’s borderline French! Check this out, you have to deal with the world everyday and when you come home you have to watch your back. I AIN’T HAVIN IT!!!

God put me and Mrs. WoW together and now He is teaching us how to get each other’s back. This fast not only helps us get back on track with regard to a healthier lifestyle, it gives us an opportunity to deny our flesh and focus our spirits on communing with Him. He is preparing us for the job He has for us to do. Man, when my wife gets to the place she wants to be, she ain’t going NOWHERE without me, you can believe that!


A Note to Ladies Never Married - especially if over 40!

Single Still???
Wife's Report

I know what you've thought plenty of times before...because I've thought it too: I never dreamed that I'd still be single at my age!

Many of us watched the chic flick Sex in the City celebrate Carrie finally marrying Mr. Big at forty years old. It looked so romantic and easy to do... but many of the die hard City fans remember all the episodes of the on and off, back and forth drama between the characters.

But what about our unscripted real lives? We aren't living from TV season to TV season, but day to day, month to month, year to year, decade to decade. Dating isn't easy for males or females in this generation. Carrie & Big did things according to a room full of TV writers; however, if you live by God's rules...things must be different.

Broken hearts hurt, being vulnerable is taxing and trusting God to join us to the right person is frightening! Some people can't move forward, because we're holding to tightly to a toxic relationship for fear of having to be completely alone until the real man shows up.

Nevertheless, as the Bible tells us in the book of Job... "there's hope for a tree that's been cut down, that at the smell of water, it will sprout again!"

I don't have a perfect past, and Darryl has often laughed at the fact that at least three times before him I thought I had found the One and called myself "engaged"...but none of those situations happened by God's grace and protection! I have been let down, embarrassed and hurt. In addition, I've been kept, blessed and renewed!

Mom told me a couple of years back, "you could have been married...but don't know if you would have been happily married!"

So I want to encourage you to not look at your age, frustration or past relationships. Tell the Lord you are willing to endure whatever, to get the person that is in His will for your life, makes you smile in the midst of turmoil, believes when the facts say doubt, and the individual that can burn away anger when they hug you. Yes, I'm a first time bride at forty...but I must say... I wouldn't trade nothin' for my journey!!! I've walked away from some relationships, simply because I trusted God and doing things His way is not always easy. All in all, hold your hope ladies! Psalms says, "my times are in Your hands Lord!"

And just as a quick side note: I asked the attendant at the bridal store if they gave discounts to first time brides at forty... and can you believe she looked at me as though I was crazy and said NO! The nerve of some people... I still believe that I've earned a discount for holding on so long! hahahaaa

Husband’s Log - #1

Those Five Little Words
Star Date: 09-7-12-AJ
(July 12 2009…After Jesus)
Day 79

I have been coerced into…maybe “coerced” is a bit strong. Hmmmm…compelled…that’s it. I have been COMPELLED to record my experiences for the “Newlywed Chronicles”. You may be asking yourself, “What could COMPEL him to express publicly his exploits with Mrs. WOW?” Well, I’m glad you asked. I’ll tell you what it is. Five simple yet powerful words…she said I had to!

Now some of you know me, some do not. Those, of you who do, know that I have a difficult time with submission. My dad says I have a problem with authority. I disagree. I just don’t like people telling me what to do. Then I got married! Yessiree, this is when ALL my negotiation skills came into play. This past year has been very interesting because I have had to submit to, rely on and have faith in God. It may not seem like a big thing to those of you who haven’t suffered from DBS, but it’s huge for me. Everyone knows what DBS is…Dumb Boss Syndrome? C’mon, don’t act like I’m the 'onlienst' one, as my cousin says. How many of you have worked for someone or worked on a project where the lead person was a complete…doofus! He or she is in charge but they haven’t the first clue as to how they should accomplish the task at hand. If so then you my friend have suffered from DBS. (Breathe) I needed to take a moment. I have to be careful because I have a bit of a potty mouth. Consequently, Mrs. WOW has limited me to two “French” words a day and I don’t want to use them up I might need them later because my sister’s coming over.

Where was I…oh yeah, submission. From a young age I have depended on one person…me. Whatever it was, I would find a way to get it done. So imagine my surprise when God told me, “Theresa will be your wife. I am going to bless you with one of My most precious gifts. She has been your friend and confidante for years. She will now be your wife and you have to do what she says. Together the two of you will blahblahblahblahblahbalhablahblahbalhablahbalhablahblahblahblah”. I was like, “Hold up, uhhh…what was that middle part?” But I have learned that by doing what she needs me to do I am doing what He requires of me. In other words, I’m being obedient. Which is not an adjective even I would use to describe myself.

We have in our possession Bride & Groom shirts that we wear AT THE SAME TIME and people tend to love them oddly enough. However, it seems as if My shirt gives license to any man over 45 to provide me with his sagely advice. They all say the same thing, whether they have been married or not. Laughing, which I haven’t figured out why as yet, they say, ”Do what she says, it keeps peace in the home.” Not, “Buy her flowers everyday” or “Pretend you like her food” or even, “Don’t let her watch Thelma & Louise”. I want one of these Dr. Phil wannabes to say, “Doing what your wife says doesn’t mean you’re being weak or acquiescing. Whether you know it or not, it means you are submitting to God’s will and that’s exactly where you want to be…in God’s will.

Some years ago Mrs. WOW gave me a book called Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith by Billy Graham. She had it engraved, “Darryl’s Jesus Book” hoping it would replace my “Devil Book” which I was currently using for daily affirmations. (LOL) I won’t tell you the name of that book because I don’t want to diss anybody. Suffice it to say, most of the people of color I know have one. Anyway in my Jesus Book it says: God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s provisions. I know this to be true. Thank you God for my gift.

Bride's Story - How we met!

Note to readers: I will not be held responsible by law for any lies, exaggerations, silliness or extraordinary facts below written by my husband. I'm being paid a hefty sum by his family unbeknownst to him; therefore, I endure all types of treatment to put gas in my car! What can I say, there's a recession and I must marry!

This is the story of how Darryl took over my life:
If you've read my new book, No Room for Excuses, then you've seen my dedication and brief story of how I came to know and fall deeply and passionately in love with my one and only LBD! Darryl's the best-est ever in the world for me!

In a nut shell, the adorable Dale Williams (my sister in law) was at Straight Gate Church's Summer Street Jam with Candace Johnson and saw me throughout the weekend and wanted to meet me to introduce me to her brother. When I think of this, it always amazes me when I consider the power of integrity. If I had appeared rude or arrogant, she would have never been compelled to further the divine order of the steps to my marriage.

When we met at the Johnson's home, she wasted no time and asked if it was okay for her brother to call. Well, if anyone knows Vicki Johnson... then you know that she grabbed my phone and made sure Darryl's number was saved!

I will let him tell you about our first phone call... but I will say that we seriously became friends! At one point, he did tell me, "you know we're gonna be together, right?" But I just wasn't ready to imagine the shift! So after attempting to date two other guys that were soooo not for me, I had to swallow my pride and call the one true person that cared the most... fast forward to how we finally came to our senses!

...at the end of 2007, I found out that I had to have surgery again and was quite upset about the prospect. When I told the gentleman I was dating at the time that I'd need surgery... he was far from concerned. My immediate instinct was to call Darryl and when I picked up the phone to do so, my phone was ringing as he called me. The first thing he said was, "what's going on with you, I had a dream that you were in trouble."

From that time forward, he called to check on me. December 21, 2007 we met for dinner and to see the movie Beowulf. Suddenly we were mature enough to stop coming up with reasons to put off being together. Hanging out that night, I had no idea that December 25, 2008 I would say yes to his marriage proposal!

My surgery was scheduled for January 3, 2008, and he flew to Atlanta to be by my side. He slept in a hospital chair, did food errands for the family, brought me flowers and heard God say I was his wife. Laying there recovering from surgery at one of my non-prettiest moments in life, I had no idea that January 3, 2009 I would be buying my wedding dress!

In April 2008 he bought me a house as a very huge engagement ring to live in!!! Personally, I believe this was a lot more amazing and sexier than a immediately getting a diamond ring. Moving in the house, I had no idea that April 2009 I would be marrying the man I love so very much! My laughing measures have increased greatly - how cool is that!


Grooms Story - How we met!

Groom's Story
I have been coerced by the Brown Teletubby (aka Wood) to tell my story. Mine is truly an American story of overcoming. I was born the son of a sharecropper in the deep South. Shhh! She's coming! Don't tell her I wrote that! She hates when I talk about my humble beginnings! You should know that she and Jan beat me when no one's around, so please stay on this site for as long as you possibly can!

The song you hear playing, Sent From Heaven, best describes what Wood means to me, once I realized it wasn't saying, "617". I can honestly say that God has sent this woman to me. She makes me want to be a better man. What more can you ask for? There's another song that says, "God bless the broken road that led me straight to you", and I thank Him for her everyday.

About five years ago, my sister Dale, upon hearing that I was relocating to Los Angeles without really knowing anyone, suggested I give her friend Theresa McFaddin a call. I didn't know they were mere acquaintances. One day while packing, I called this total stranger and pretended I was a customer service rep from "Jesus Jesus God God magazine" and I told her that her subscription had expired. To which she replied, "I don't have a subscription to Jesus Jesus God God magazine." I said, "Ma'am, I'm not going to argue the point with you, but if you don't renew your subscription, you will be in trouble with you know who! After a few more moments of going back and forth, she finally started screaming at me and hung up the phone.

I continued packing and called back about three hours later to formally introduce myself. When she answered the phone, I said, "may I please speak with Theresa McFaddin..." She started screaming, "why are you doing this to me? I'm a good person! I'm calling the police! I spoke to them earlier..."
"uuhhh... this is Darryl...Dale's brother?"
"Oh my God! I'm soo sorry! I've been getting crank calls all day! I'm so sorry!" I calmly responded, "Really, that's awful...I can call back."

Suffice it to say, I moved to LA and we became great friends. I didn't tell her that I was the customer service rep for about six months! She's marrying me anyway, go figure!

Wood is my best friend, my confidante, and my muse...so when she proposed to me, my only response was, "why do your cousins have guns???"

My love, you were truly "Sent to me From Heaven." I love you so much sometimes, that it scares the crap out of me. But I have my best friend by my side, so I can make it through anything!