
"Married Mondays" Short & Simple Question for our Readers!

Ok, marriage is a journey... we don't believe it' s fair to say that one level or year mark is easier than another. Stuff happens, people change and the pressure is always on.

BUT in the midst of life happening... tell us one of the coolest moments in your marriage that you all shared that wasn't determined by money or status, house or apartment, kids or trying to get pregnant, job or unemployment!  Y'all were just cool like that...even if it was for that brief moment in time!

It could have been a simple night at home chilling when one of you did something special, a 10 second joke at just the right time, a massage, or a fun moment at a boring event, whatever it was -tell us how your spouse made you smile or made you know it was going to be okay after all was said and done!


  1. One of our moments actually happened last night! We actually went old school and walked to the grocery store with the dogs after it rained! It was fun splashing through puddles and was a change of pace to our normal dog walking!

  2. We took a nap after church this past Sunday and woke up at 3am wide awake and extra goofy. We camped out on the living room floor, watched a movie and I laughed so hard over the crazy jokes my hubby was telling me. It felt so good to be outside of our normal routine and to just act so immature.

  3. We so love this!!! Those are the best moments that money can't by! Work it y'all!

  4. There are so many moments that to choose one would not be fair! (lol) A few weeks ago we decided to have an apostolic service in our home. The kids were gone for the evening so we started our service out with a hymn two offerings some preaching and selections, my husband was the preacher. Our service went on and on. Then we laid hands and we both fell out ! When we got up we had another offering for healing … In the end we had so much fun like kids , we laughed through the whole service priceless. I just love him... Thinking about this story makes me want to have another service again.

  5. Kaidi Grant March 25 at 9:02pm
    My husband texted me the other day with a simple message that I needed to hear at that very moment: "You are a good wife". I teared up instantly because we have been bickering a lot lately due to financial stress. The best part is, is that when I spoke to him face to face later that day, he supported it with a fabulous hug and reasons why...

  6. Ok - the Colemans are trying to win the couple award! A church service is priceless! go on y'all!

    Kaidi - what a blessing from your husband!!! I'd be a wreck! Sometimes we need that serious assurance...

  7. Recently, my husband and I have realized that we've calmed down significantly with each other. It hadn't always been like that. It was a night like this that helped us through... After a heated argument that ended our date plans, we decided to make ourselves do something fun even though we were still mad. So, we went and bought two cheap cameras and decided we were going to just go out and take pictures of each other wherever. Those pictures - that turned out fun and silly - to this day, signify how love is always a choice. That was at least four years ago; we've been married for nine. :)

  8. @Marsee- what a great idea!!!!!! Thank you for sharing such a cool thing to do - going out & taking pictures! Why are couples conditioned to believe you have to spend lots of money to have a good time??? We've found that the $1 kiosk for Blockbuster or Redbox is the bomb! lol - but seriously, the pictures sound like a fabulous reminder of a time when you all pushed through to love!

  9. I'm going way back, not because I don't have any recent moments; but because this is my all time favorite that has kept me focused over our 21 years of marriage. For our first anniversary, my hubby took me out for dinner & dancing with family & close friends. While we were on the dance floor, someone dedicated The O'Jay's "Lovin You" to us. The song was perfect because towards the end, Eddie Levert sings..."as long as I keep the bills paid, as long as there is food on the table, everything is alright, as long as I'm lovin' you". We have used that special moment to keep us focused on our love through these years. Recently, we were hanging our with our sons in a memorabilia store and had a ball looking through old O'Jays records trying to find the song. We were so excited to find it that we danced together right in the middle of the store. The boys didn't get why one song made us act so goofey.

  10. We're going to post that song Roslyn... in economic times like these, both men and women need some serious encouragement! Hearing this from 21 yr marriage veterans is soooooo encouraging! The boys will get it when they find the woman to spend their lives with!

  11. Great concept and idea T, I'm divorced but encouraged by the love of couples!

  12. Standing on my hubby's feet, we just dance. Around our living room, in the kitchen, in the family room -- no music on -- but a rhythm in our heart. We look in each other's eyes and remind ourselves -- without saying a word -- how wonderful it is to be married to your best friend. I don't think a week has gone by in our 6 1/2 year marriage in which I didn't find myself standing on his feet (sounds uncomfortable but I'm 1/2 his weight and am a foot shorter so he's able to carry me quite easily :)) and requesting that dance. What a blessing...
