
Find Your Special Corner

Wife's Report:

We have a favorite corner of the house...  Before we got married, we were counseled by many couples we love to be sure that prayer is a vital part of our daily life.  In fact, my parents told us never to miss a day of praying together during our marriage in order to stay on track.  This is not something that is optional; however, it is mandatory for us to grow as husband and wife.

I've always believed in having a place to pray was as important as praying. We have a place to sleep - our bed, we have a place to hang our clothes - our closet, we have a place to cook - our kitchen... so we must have a place to pray. That special place to pray should often be untouched by a lot of activity. There's no golden rule for this, but as God requires that we be sanctified, I like to have the place where I meet him to be sanctified as well. Sanctified means to set apart as or declare holy... to consecrate.

It took a couple of weeks to get settled in the house in terms of where we'd keep our things, and how we'd organize the attic. Now that it's understood that Darryl has control over the extra bedroom as his private guy space and was willing to allow me to have the run of the rest of the house... our place where we'd meet the Lord (the one who gave us the house) was needing to be set.

Having breakfast one morning, we were preparing to pray and found the perfect place in the house to meet the Lord. Even though we hang out in the living room, there's a little corner with pillows, a keepsake box of pictures, and candle stand. It is so rare that someone goes to that side of the room. Even when we invite people to sit there, they often politely refuse that special corner...so I realized that it has been "sanctified" for the place where we go to meet the Lord to worship him as the King of Kings, to ask for direction for our marriage, life purposes and direction.

So it has now become common place that when it's time to pray... Darryl & I meet each other in the sanctified corner of the house. I love how this place immediately calms us down... focuses our attention on God's grace instead of the things that are out of our control. We sit in that corner, get comfortable, discuss things on our minds, talk about the gift of Faith we pray for in order to believe for anything... then we begin to talk to the Lord and acknowledge him as the third member of our wedding union.

My wedding ring is a Trillion cut diamond, meaning it has 3 points like a triangle. This is my constant reminder that it's me, D and the Lord working out this marriage together. Kenny Lattimore told Darryl at our wedding rehearsal that the wife is the husband's ministry. Since that day, my husband has made it his focus to put that in action.

If you are single, have you sanctified a place where you meet the Lord? if you are married, have you all sanctified a place where you meet the Lord? This is mandatory for growth, meeting divine appointments and purpose.

Steal away to that place where you are safe, encouraged and infused with power to give God the glory and honor with your life.