The T-Shirt
Stardate: 09-08-02-AJTime: 00:53
Day 99
Ok, so I was recently traveling to Minneapolis. On the flight there I was wearing my “I Love My Wife” T-shirt. You may be asking yourself why I was wearing a shirt that says “I Love My Wife”. The answer is simple. That’s right those five little yet powerful words…“she said I had to”. Don't get it twisted I ain't no punk...uhhh...don't tell her I said that. For real, I don't mind the shirt, the problem is that it invites unwanted comments and conversation.
One of the things Mrs. WOW and I have realized since we've been married is that we both love to communicate---I love to communicate with her, and she loves in communicate with everyone. You feel me? Good. I don’t particularly care to talk to strangers. My wife on the other hand… Well, if you know her then you know what I’m talking about. Can I get a “What What!!” However, if you don’t know her, here’s an example of what I mean. We are on our Honeymoon cruise, which turned out to be the cruise from hell, except for my impersonation of James Brown during a ship performance...don't ask. Upon leaving our cabin on the second night, she acknowledges everyone working on the boat BY NAME as we make our way to dinner. I mean the porters, the housekeepers, the outside cleaning crew, the inside cleaning crew, the maitre d, servers, bus boys…EVERYONE! My only issue with this is after returning her salutation with goodness and light they turn up they’re noses and respond to my hellos with, “Hello little man who is with Theresa!” WHAT IS THAT?! I paid for this luxury cruise from Los Angeles to Mexico back to Los Angeles that actually wound up in San Francisco. At least fake it people! You feel me? Good.
Soooooooo if I don’t initiate conversation and a person doesn’t talk to me I’m cool with that. But this T-shirt that my wife bought me just screams, “Say something clever to me!” So here are some of the clever comments I received. I’ve left out names to protect the “ignant”:
“That’s a great shirt. I want to get my husband one.”
“Oh, how cute. Do you really love her?”
“I love that shirt. You can get a lot of women with that. They love that kind of stuff.”
“Where in the world did you get that shirt?”
“Your wife made you wear that huh? I would’ve changed shirts in the airport bathroom.”
“You should take a picture with the people in the airport to prove that you are still wearing it.”
“Yeah you love her, but does she love you?”
Then one gentleman told me a joke: During a seminar on marriage. The speaker announces that all the men who consider themselves to be real men must get up and stand on the right side of the auditorium and all the men who are henpecked must get up and stand on the left. After about ten minutes, every man in the building is standing on the left except for one lone soul. The speaker says to this brave gentleman, “Sir, you are the only man standing in the section designated for ‘real men’. I can see that you are a very powerful individual. Can you tell us why you have chosen to stand in this section?” The man replied, “My wife told me to.”
Throughout all of this, the smirks and sarcastic remarks made under people’s breath, I noticed one thing: Hopelessness. People seemed to be down on marriage. We live in an era where we want everything now. And without working for it, it seems. If it doesn’t work out or we don’t like it, we move on to something else. Marriage is not like that! Can I get a “What What” from those who know!!! You have to work at it. Did you know that the divorce rate for first time marriages is 50%? Scary right? Stick with me, it gets worse. For second and third time marriages it's 67% and 74% respectively. What does that say little man who is with Theresa? I'm glad you asked. It says that we enter into these situations before we are ready to be in them. You are the common denominator in all three situations. Amazingly enough the problem could be you and not the other person. Once you have worked at being a better you, and you are sure you want this relationship as well... then you work at it. You will even fight for it!
I believe this hopelessness that I mentioned before stems from fear. What are people afraid of little man who is with Theresa, you may be asking yourself. We are afraid to look at ourselves, because we may not like what we see. Therefore we concentrate on finding fault with the other person. You find fault with them and they with you. Before you know it, you’re either on your third marriage or in a string of unsuccessful relationships making the same mistakes. It’s no wonder people get fed up!
Check this out, if you ask God to help you help Him help you (just think about it), when you take another look at yourself you will be amazed at how He’s changed and prepared you. You will then be ready for that person He is sending your way; that person whose eyes will be the mirrors in which you see yourself. They won’t find fault in every little thing you do, though you may have many.
Just before I boarded my flight I heard an older gentleman say, “That’s a real nice shirt young man.” And I thought you know what, he’s right.
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