Solid As A Rock
Stardate: 09-7-18-16:00-AJ
(July 18, 2009) 4:00 p.m. After Jesus
Day 84
Waddup Fam?
Mrs. WoW and I are in Chicago trying to rectify a situation with my aunt. We are dealing with insurance companies, Medicaid, Medicare, elder care facilities, friends and family who want to be backseat drivers but refuse to take the wheel when called upon. Sooooooo, everything falls on us.
In addition to all this chaos we have decided to do a fast. That’s right mi familia, a FAST! One might ask oneself, “What the heck (remember I only get two French words a day) would they do that for?” I’m glad you asked. Number 1: my wife is not happy with her weight and current eating habits. Which means, EVERYTIME we get dressed for a function, family event or just to go to the store she goes mad because her clothes don’t fit. Notice I didn’t say “gets” mad, because it’s waaaaaaay beyond “getting” mad. Mad cow ain’t got nothing on a mad Wood! Ya’ll pray for me…no, for real…PRAY FOR ME!
My wife is on a Quest for Cuteness!!! As fine as she may be to me, she is not satisfied where she is presently. I respect that. So I support her in her effort to become “cuter” than she already is. Therefore, I am trying to get myself together as well by changing my diet and working out more. I call it, “Buscando de Buff!” It means looking for buff…I made it up. You can say what you want but why would I let a fine woman get finer and I stay the same. That’s just asking for trouble. I can see it now some cat named Taekwon is going to try to roll up on My woman. I AIN’T HAVIN’ IT!!!
Reason Number 2 for the fast: I think that we forget to spend time with God. Yeah, I know we pray and we try to read the Word daily but the fact of the matter is that we are inundated with stuff ALL day long. Email, TV, facebook, text messages, myspace, work, friends, leisure activities, daily errands etc…our days are full. Since Wood and I have been married we have not spent a good two weeks together in one place. It may not seem like a significant amount of time but think about it…we just got married! So we’ve decided to spend some quality time with the Lord by fasting and praying. God is fashioning our marriage to suite His will. He’s giving us confidence to trust one another and His direction. He’s helping us develop a foundation that’s "Ashford & Simpson". If the foundation is solid when the rough times come you can weather the storm.
I know a man named Oscar who lives in my aunt’s facility. He said the reason his marriage didn’t work is because, his wife was trying to break him and he was trying to break her. That sounds horrible. I’d be pissed off all the time. Back off that’s borderline French! Check this out, you have to deal with the world everyday and when you come home you have to watch your back. I AIN’T HAVIN IT!!!
God put me and Mrs. WoW together and now He is teaching us how to get each other’s back. This fast not only helps us get back on track with regard to a healthier lifestyle, it gives us an opportunity to deny our flesh and focus our spirits on communing with Him. He is preparing us for the job He has for us to do. Man, when my wife gets to the place she wants to be, she ain’t going NOWHERE without me, you can believe that!
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