Now that I'm a married "grown woman" (as Mary J. Blidge so aptly put it), I have found the need for learning how to match once again. The best wedding gift we received was advice: Be sure to pray every single day together without fail! At the time it seemed easy enough, but as the days passed by after our "I Do", we worked hard to make it a critical part of our routine. We both know that prayer has kept us standing as outside forces have beat up against us. Darryl always says, "God is the head of this union"... Scriptures says, "a three-fold cord isn't easily broken"... I say, "Amen to both"!
Praying together is mandatory in a healthy, God-centered marriage relationship. If a couple hasn't both decided that Christ is their glue-connector, then staying together may be difficult when life kicks into high gear. Can't we all agree that staying married is the ultimate goal??? Statistics say that almost half of Christian marriages end in divorce. I wonder how many Christians are getting married equally yoked, with wise counsel established, and equal goal lines ahead. Let us not rush to our own desires and not see the team's desires as most critical!
Garanimals teach children how to match clothing outfits by using various animals on the tags. |
So this is where, praying "Garanimal Style" becomes necessary! As married couples build their daily prayer life, it is imperative that matching prayers take place when together or individually. Garanimals clothing are so cool, because they are built on a "coordinated system", and so should our prayers be.
Uncoordinated Prayer:
Theresa prays, "dear Lord... please send the Ordells to Italy to live in a palace."
Darryl prays, "dear Lord... please send the Ordells to the Dominican Republic to live in a shack."
There is NO coordinated system of prayers. This shows not only being out of sync with each other, but it also shows a lack of communication on our part. If you don't talk it out and map out a plan, you'll never make progress.
God will not answer prayers that divide a married unit.
Prayer is a serious thing, it involves power, accuracy and expectancy... and a turning of the will! Our wills should be clearly directed to God's agenda if we want the most effectiveness. So when couples see no activity, they must reconvene and address what is being prayed. Perhaps many couples don't want to take the risk of praying together due to the possibility of exposing their opposition of desires!
Get on one accord and pray like Garanimals together! First, discuss what you'd like to see God do in your future. Whether it's praying about a job change, purchasing a house, having children, moving to another state, going back to school or even going on vacation... pray like Garanimals - find a coordinated system so that your prayers will be effective!
Mark 3:25 states:
If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Just recently, Darryl and I were discussing something in our lives that we anticipated God to do. I assumed we were both cheering for the same team and expecting the same result! Darryl listened to me go on and on and on and on and on and on... (did I say he actually listened to me go on and on?) and after I finished my tirade, he broke IT down and ME down too!
This is how my husband viewed our prayers:
Theresa was praying/asking for God to bless us in a particular way, as if it may not be possible for us to receive or be considered for a blessing.
Darryl was praying for God to get us ready for the blessing so that we could be good stewards over it, because he knew the Lord was more than able to fulfill the request!
Our prayers were not on a coordinated system... or should I say, we were close, but not quite matching and praying Garanimal style! Our belief system had to be set the same way, then we had to ask in agreement. I was still hoping and he had already been there and done that.
Garanimal Style Prayer:
Lord, prepare us for the blessing that is coming our way. We know that you are a specific God that tailors our blessings in a unique way. We cannot be unprepared when you decide it's time for us to receive the blessing. We want to maximize our miracles and be the right stewards over every gift you bring to our house. Most importantly, let your will be done in our lives. We submit to your agenda, your timetable and your plans of prosperity. Be it unto us according to your Word and our faith! In Jesus' name... Amen.
Now, sometimes we're just not where the other spouse is in our ability to ask the Lord for our needs. This is okay. When you come together for prayer, it can still be Garanimal style if one of you says, I'm just not where you are yet, but I'm willing to come in God's presence with you to work it out so we can get on one accord. When both of you are saved and walking in relationship with Jesus Christ, then agreement is possible. If you cannot reach a place of agreement with what to pray, there's still a way to pray like Garanimals!
Garanimal Style Prayers when you can't Agree:
Lord, we're at a crossroads in our marriage. We're in separate corners of the ring ready to come out swinging to get our way. I want to go to Alaska, and they want to go to Hawaii. They want to go to one church, while I want to go to another. One of us wants to quit our job and the other wants to look for more work. One of us isn't in love anymore, and the other wants to stay in this marriage for better or for worst. Neither of us want to give up our desires, but we all that we can agree on is that you are a just Judge. You will have to call the shots on this dilemma, you turn our wills to your will. Send a clear and precise sign that will get both of our attentions so that we don't let our differences cause a breach in the covenant. Help us oh Lord for there is none other that can fix our marriage but you... In Jesus' name, Amen... so be it...
Even if it hurts, ask your spouse to sit in prayer to find agreement. Remember, before it gets completely divided consider their option and God's option before you fight to the death for your own way. All in all, I speak life to your marriage decisions. May the Lord use every situation to teach you all how to merge into a powerful unit full of focus and precise in their prayers!
Mrs. Wow
Need help getting a prayer routine started with your spouse? Check out this blog for pointers:
Be sure to look out for my upcoming training session in prayer for wives: Praying a Boaz Blessing over Your Husband! This session will give you directives to take before the Lord when asking him to bless your husband, you don't want to miss it!
Email for more information. This will be scheduled for an online video program and an in-person session for engaged and married women. Information will be posted on the webpage too:
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This post right here just did it for me... I love it.. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Ordell....