
"Married Mondays" - #5 - Short & Simple Question for our Readers!

Hanging out at a birthday party!
Many who know us, know we travel a lot!  Darryl is gone more than I am these days; nevertheless, it keeps us paying attention to the relationship we are honored to share with each other.  One of the best things about being married to Mr. LBD (as I affectionately call him) is that he loves to surprise me.  Not too long ago, I was excited on our date night to go see what I thought was a fireworks show, but he surprised me with tickets to Alvin Ailey's dance production.  I never know with this guy!  There are times our date may be the typical movie and dinner, but sometimes our budget says to keep it simple.  Whatever our financial standing, we make a point to have date night.  Last week we went to a birthday party and hung out with friends instead of hanging solo.  The other day our date night was simply going to Ihop at 1:00 am!  Sometimes it just helps to get outside the house, hold hands and do something together.

One of the greatest misconceptions about dating your spouse is that you have to spend lots of money to make it wonderful. This is not true. As a matter of fact, we challenge you all to take $20 and see what fun things you can do for hours around town with that money!  Branch out to picnics, walks on the beach, bike riding, visiting a winery, people watching and more.  Just be sure to do your "grown thang", invest in the most important person in your life, and don't let busy days cause you to forget how spectacular your spouse can be!  ...and it doesn't matter who initiates the date—just make sure you go!  If you have to initiate the date, don't let that discourage you. Your spouse may really see it as a sexy jesture!

Have you heard this Luther song "Grown Thangs" about a couple going out on a date, getting a baby sitter and just having a night out?  Check it out, get out and hang out no matter how much cash you have!

Today's Married Monday question:
What is the best Date Night you and your spouse have had? Share what you did in case some other couples need some great ideas!


"Single Saturday's" - #3 - weekly question as you ponder your path!

It's interesting what you'll do to make a relationship work.  It's even more interesting what you won't be willing to do to make a relationship work.  When my husband married me, he inheirited my two girls, Peace & Joy.  As a result of his adoption, we start and end every day by picking up crap! 

Once when a friend was getting married, she came to spend the weekend with me prior to the big day.  Before she left, I told her I wanted her to go with me to walk the girls.  As I handed her the leash, I also handed her a little green bag for the poop.  The walk began and eventually nature had her way and the dogs had to "go".  After they finished, the stinch filled the air then I motioned for her to pick up the crap!  She looked disgusted, but I told her, "this is your first lesson in marriage... everyday you have to pick up crap!"  It's true... no relationship is free without it.  

As you fantasize about how glamorous and glorious it will be to be married... just remember the crap will come but love can handle all!  Now if you're going to pick up crap, be sure to have your baggies to gather it up and throw it away.  Don't let stuff simmer... or the smell and intensity of it all gets worst.

Single Saturday Question of the Week:  
How good are you at picking up crap???  Do you think you could handle arguments, hard times and communication problems ... and then forgive your spouse, let it all go and push on with your day???