Hanging out at a birthday party! |
One of the greatest misconceptions about dating your spouse is that you have to spend lots of money to make it wonderful. This is not true. As a matter of fact, we challenge you all to take $20 and see what fun things you can do for hours around town with that money! Branch out to picnics, walks on the beach, bike riding, visiting a winery, people watching and more. Just be sure to do your "grown thang", invest in the most important person in your life, and don't let busy days cause you to forget how spectacular your spouse can be! ...and it doesn't matter who initiates the date—just make sure you go! If you have to initiate the date, don't let that discourage you. Your spouse may really see it as a sexy jesture!
Have you heard this Luther song "Grown Thangs" about a couple going out on a date, getting a baby sitter and just having a night out? Check it out, get out and hang out no matter how much cash you have!
Today's Married Monday question:
What is the best Date Night you and your spouse have had? Share what you did in case some other couples need some great ideas!