
"Single Saturday's" - #2 - weekly question as you ponder your path!

Do you embrace the mystery?
One of our greatest pleasures in life as a married couple is knowing we never cheated on ourselves as singles! We lived! We took the journey head on and found out who we are as individuals. This is not a task that many find necessary. Most singles are so busy wanting to hook up, that they don't know who they are presenting in relationships.

Do you know who you are? Have you expanded your horizons to increase the attraction level the opposite sex has for you? The first week we wanted to know what you're looking for in someone else, but this week's question is geared towards knowing if you know how cool it is being you. 

Ladies and gentlemen: How do you embrace the mystery of being alone? 


"Married Mondays" - #4 - Short & Simple Question for our Readers!

Always have each other's back!
How are you doing?  Ready to face the week?  Today we want to provoke couples to be more cognizant of each other, through the good and especially the bad.  As time rolls on, we often forget to make our spouse a priority. Some begin to value things and others more than the one God blessed them with in marriage.  Never forget to give yourself away to each other.

Today's question: How does your spouse make your life easier?  Remember the first time you realized they had your back no matter what.  It could've been something as simply as doing the dishes; picking the kids up from school or supporting you as you took a chance on a new business venture even though there was no money in the budget to do so.  As you ponder our question, find a way this week to make your spouse's life a little easier, what ever it takes!  Think about it this way:  God pours into each of you so you can pour into one another.  If she puts you first and you put her first, you're both taken care of.


"Married Mondays" - #4 - Short & Simple Question for our Readers!

Hey family!  We didn't forget our married couples.  Today when I was making a late breakfast for the Mister, he was on a somewhat important phone call that couldn't be ended when I placed his food on the table.  I motioned for him to come eat, and I slipped into the other room with my food as I sat on the bed running through my "to do list" in my head.  My thoughts were interrupted when he came to the door and told me to finish eating at the table.  It really didn't matter to me at that moment, since my mind was preoccupied.

When he finished his call, Darryl said something very important. "I've spent most of my adult life eating on the run, standing up, sitting in random places—we need to always remember to take the time to sit at the table, look at each other, and enjoy our food together!"

How true is this for couples? We're always so busy trying to do "the next thing", that we often negate the present moment we can spend with each other.  One of the most important parts of a meal is the fellowship.  Today's question: How do you and your spouse spend quality time with each other and are you getting enough of it?

Today's song suggestion is quite hysterical! When this song comes on in the house, we both crack up laughing while singing! Check it out to add a smile to your day!


"Single Saturday's" - #1 - weekly question as you ponder your path!

It's been brought to our attention, that single folks want the same opportunity to gain insight, exchange ideas and be encouraged on a weekly basis... just like the married folks do! So here we go!
A solid relationship is like great choreography!

Being single till 40 showed me plenty of things about dating, understanding who you are, and more importantly... understanding who you want to "GIVES' YOUR TIME TO"!!! Man, I tell you I could write a book just on the "types" of guys I've dated! It got to be funny ... My family actually suggested I not date people whose last name started with certain letters.  Yes, my single life was funny.  One thing I can definitely say, I knew what I was looking for...and never settled, even if I got caught up in the moment!

My perspective was slightly different...I had no idea what I was looking for.  I just wanted a woman that was pretty to me.  So, I had a few rules to help navigate through this mind-field that we call dating.  1) Never introduce ANYONE to your mom, period.  If you've met my mom, you understand.  2) Never date Dee Dee's, Shakia's or anyone whose name ends in two vowels.  3) And last but not least, Always, Always go to church...any man can get a "date" there!

Name the top 5 attributes you'd want the person you would like to marry to possess. (Note: "Being a Christian" is a given, so think harder...)

A new online book!

Cheer Up Your Wife is a free online book that shares great insight into marriage for those just jumping into the waters and for those a little weary of swimming. Singles can even gain a wealth of information from the chapter, God's Dowry.

Author Althea Dupree serves up a well balanced blessing for readers! There's no cost to click for the book, so log on frequently as chapters are added to the site.


"Married Mondays" - #3 - Short & Simple Question for our Readers!

Hey married people! Did you survive the holiday with family, friends, food and church?  Well, we're off to our third week of "Married Monday's", and we're looking forward to you sharing your experiences so that others will be encouraged and you in the process.

This week we're going to dig a little deeper:  Have you ever put anything before your marriage?  Maybe you've gotten bogged down with work, church  or hanging just out with friends, and your marriage went from #1 to #527!  Share a story about how your eyes were opened to this fact, how you expressed it to your spouse, and how you dealt or didn't deal with the situation.  As newlyweds we have to learn the art of putting our marriage first as we make the transition from being single.  Also couples that have been together for years can get in a slump and need to be reminded of this fact.  So let's bless each other with this first hand knowledge on the subject.

This week's song is a duet with Anita Baker & Babyface called, "Like You Used To Do"... we think it speaks volumes to this week's topic! Check it out and enjoy!  Also, consider joining us in Florida for A Date With God in August. This may be just the refresher your marriage could use!